It ain’t Gingerbread it’s Ninja Bread!

So with Thanksgiving just past and now Christmas upon us,  we’ve been doing a lot of baking!  We’ve turned out pumpkin rolls, oatmeal cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate gooey butter cookies and most recently our favorite baking project was Ninja Bread Cookies!

No! Not gingerbread cookies… Ninja bread cookies!

They’re gingerbread men in ninja poses! 🙂

My friend Susie found these super cute cookie cutters at and was itching to try them, so I whipped up some gingerbread batter from my fabulous, trusty Joy of Cooking cookbook and it didn’t take long for us to start playing with our food.

I call this sequence of photos the sneak attack or stealth ninja.

*Cue music*

 Everybody was kung fu fighting… huh!

Those cats were fast as lightning…

It was a little bit frightening… huh!

But they fought with expert timing!

Oh oh-oh oooooh oh oh-oh ooooh!


And…… Scene! Great job guys! 😉

After a good half hour of playing around we baked our first batch and they came out perfect.

We even managed to give a few of them proper ninja attire!

I think our first attempt at ninja bread cookies rocked!

They were pretty tasty too!

7 thoughts on “It ain’t Gingerbread it’s Ninja Bread!

  1. Those are freaking AWESOME! OMIGOD! I love them! I love how one lost its head. LOL

    I have sworn off making gingerbread men ever since I had a nervous breakdown from my last baking attempt when they all fell onto the floor and smashed into a hundred pieces. But I think if they were ninja men and some limbs and heads broke off, that would be completely acceptable.


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